Posts tagged Trump Administration
Bears Ears in the News: "Make It Monumental"

File under Delicious Irony: San Juan County has launched a splashy new campaign, “Make it Monumental,” which highlights the county’s spectacular public lands and the national monuments within its borders. This is the same county whose elected officials have loudly opposed the creation of Bears Ears National Monument and supported the efforts of Utah’s congressional delegation to abolish the Antiquities Act - the same law that allows presidents to establish (you guessed it) national monuments.

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Bears Ears in the News: “Stopping the Destruction”

A smattering of stories from the Bears Ears beat:

All are welcome to visit Bears Ears - The Journal (Cortez, CO), 1/15/18

In our first news roundup of 2018, we shared a feisty tit-for-tat from the editorial page of Monticello, Utah's San Juan Record. The above letter continues the conversation between the residents of San Juan County, Utah and the "outsiders" who love Bears Ears. 

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