Posts tagged Lawsuit
Bears Ears in the News: "Make It Monumental"

File under Delicious Irony: San Juan County has launched a splashy new campaign, “Make it Monumental,” which highlights the county’s spectacular public lands and the national monuments within its borders. This is the same county whose elected officials have loudly opposed the creation of Bears Ears National Monument and supported the efforts of Utah’s congressional delegation to abolish the Antiquities Act - the same law that allows presidents to establish (you guessed it) national monuments.

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Bears Ears in the News: “The Worst Policies in America”

Our weekly sampling of stories from the Bears Ears beat:

Guv unveils $22.5 million tourism plan - Salt Lake City Weekly, 1/22/18

Utah Governor Gary Herbert says the new plan will encourage tourists to explore scenic areas beyond the state's "Mighty Five" national parks, which thanks to a wildly successful marketing campaign are now severely overcrowded. Some Herbert critics see irony in the Governor's seeking to promote outdoor tourism.

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