Posts tagged Trump
Bears Ears in the News: "Conflict and Change in San Juan County"

When we were working on our books, we became avid readers of The Salt Lake Tribune. The reporters at Utah's paper of record did exemplary work placing the Bears Ears saga in context of the state's and region's complex history.

Today, Report for America fellow Zak Podmore is continuing the Trib's thoughtful and incisive coverage of "conflict and change in San Juan County."

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Bears Ears in the News: Did Somebody Say Uranium?

A small sampling of the latest Bears Ears news for your reading pleasure.

  • Southern Utah Uranium Producers Hope Trump’s Trade Decision Will Benefit Them - Salt Lake Tribune

  • New Advisory Panel for Bears Ears National Monument Becomes Latest Flashpoint in Debate - St. George News

  • Tensions high as residents comment at meeting - San Juan Record

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Bears Ears in the News: National Monuments On Trial

Lawsuit and management plan updates:

  • Bears Ears, Grand Staircase lawsuits will stay in D.C. as judge rejects Trump administration motion to move them to Utah

  • Trump Loses Ground to Environmentalists in Utah

  • An update on Bears Ears management plans

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Bears Ears in the News: Totems, Tit-for-Tats, and a Big Move for the BLM

Hello, Readers! After a sleepy start to summer on the Bears Ears beat, controversies are once again blazing like so many wildfires burning across the West. Here are the top stories from Bears Ears country:

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Bears Ears in the News: Changes Afoot in Bluff and Blanding

As the battle over Bears Ears proceeds in the courts of law and public opinion, those who live and make a living near Bears Ears are shifting their attention toward planning a future with or without a monument.

The continued presence of Bears Ears in national headlines has kept the visitors coming in San Juan County, Utah, and local businesses and tourist attractions are reaping the benefits.

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Bears Ears in the News: Big Numbers and a Ticking Clock

Today is the final day for the public to submit comments on the BLM's management plans for the Trump administration's much-reduced Bears Ears National Monument. Groups such as Utah Diné Bikéyah(UDB), a Native-led nonprofit whose advocacy for the protection of Bears Ears led to the creation of the original monument proposal by Native American tribes, has urged its supporters to participate. 

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Bears Ears in the News: "There's Oil in Them Thar Hills" edition

Normally, we bring you a variety of stories exploring different facets of the Bears Ears debate, but this week we're interrupting our regularly scheduled programming to focus on one explosive story.

The investigative piece in question: a detailed investigation by New York Times reporters Eric Lipton and Lisa Friedman, "Oil Was Central in Decision to Shrink Bears Ears National Monument, Emails Show." 

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Bears Ears in the News: Reckoning With History

Two weeks of updates for the price of one! Here's what you may have missed on the Bears Ears beat:

Curtis holds hearing to explain, hear input on bill - San Juan Record, 2/13/18

Utah Rep. John Curtis, who represents residents of the Bears Ears region, has gotten an earful from constituents and politicians on both sides of the aisle who either love or hate his "Bears Ears bill." (The bill, which would memorialize the reduction of the Bears Ears National Monument, is explained more fully here.) The venerable San Juan Record covered a community meeting in San Juan County in which Curtis at turns explained and defended his bill before admitting it was likely as good as dead.

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Bears Ears in the News: “It’s About Race.”

A sampling of stories from the Bears Ears beat:

Some Monumental Issues - Archaeology Southwest, 1/8/18

Archaeologist Bill Lipe has spent more than 50 years working in the American Southwest and is one of the foremost experts on the archaeology of the Bears Ears region. In this piece, he makes the case for preservation of the entire Bears Ears cultural landscape, not merely the best-known archaeological sites. A good read and well worth 15 minutes of your time.

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Bears Ears: The Future of Bluff, Part 2

When we spoke with residents of Bluff, Utah last month about their decision to incorporate as a town, the original Bears Ears National Monument established in December 2016 by Barack Obama was still intact. Bluff, a tiny community of 250 or so people in Utah’s southeastern corner that lay just outside the monument, was still widely expected to become the de facto gateway to Bears Ears. But that was before the Trump trip.

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