Posts tagged BLM
Bears Ears in the News: Change and Controversy at the BLM

Environmentalists, tribes blast Utah national monument plan - KUTV, 7/27/19

Perhaps the most controversial component of the plan is its opening large swaths of archaeologically significant land to off-road vehicle use - something both conservationists and Native peoples see as insulting to tribes and dangerous for fragile landscapes.

But this isn’t the only story keeping the BLM in the headlines.

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Bears Ears in the News: Totems, Tit-for-Tats, and a Big Move for the BLM

Hello, Readers! After a sleepy start to summer on the Bears Ears beat, controversies are once again blazing like so many wildfires burning across the West. Here are the top stories from Bears Ears country:

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Bears Ears in the News: Big Numbers and a Ticking Clock

Today is the final day for the public to submit comments on the BLM's management plans for the Trump administration's much-reduced Bears Ears National Monument. Groups such as Utah Diné Bikéyah(UDB), a Native-led nonprofit whose advocacy for the protection of Bears Ears led to the creation of the original monument proposal by Native American tribes, has urged its supporters to participate. 

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Bears Ears in the News: The Mining Rush That Wasn’t

Lots of news on the Bears Ears beat: 

Congress reasserts authority over national monuments - Washington Times, 2/6/18

Following the brouhaha over President Trump’s rescinding Bears Ears and replacing it with two much smaller designations, lawmakers on the House Natural Resources Committee are seeking to use their power to create new monuments through the legislative process - a method much preferred by many Republicans who view monuments established by a presidential proclamation as "federal/executive overreach." 

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Bears Ears in the News: “It’s About Race.”

A sampling of stories from the Bears Ears beat:

Some Monumental Issues - Archaeology Southwest, 1/8/18

Archaeologist Bill Lipe has spent more than 50 years working in the American Southwest and is one of the foremost experts on the archaeology of the Bears Ears region. In this piece, he makes the case for preservation of the entire Bears Ears cultural landscape, not merely the best-known archaeological sites. A good read and well worth 15 minutes of your time.

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