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Bears Ears in the News: Zinke Heads for the Exit

The biggest story on the Bears Ears beat is the departure of Interior Secretary Ryan Zinke, aka That Guy Who Rode A Horse to His First Day on the Job. Zinke stepped down from his post at the end of 2018; it is rumored that the White House issued him an ultimatum: resign or be fired.

Besides being the subject of numerous ethics investigations (and a potential criminal investigation to boot), Zinke’s most enduring legacy will be his rollback of environmental regulations, his embrace of President Trump’s “America First” energy policy, and his role in the reduction of Bears Ears and Grand Staircase-Escalante national monuments.

Here’s how national and Utah-based media outlets covered the news:

The New York Times: Ryan Zinke, Face of Trump Environmental Rollbacks, Is Out

The Washington Post: Interior Zinke resigns amid investigations

The Salt Lake Tribune: The Interior secretary who pushed Trump to shrink Utah’s Bears Ears resigns, blames ‘vicious and politically motivated attacks’

Deseret News (Salt Lake City): Utah leaders, environmentalists react to Interior Secretary Zinke’s resignation